In rural Transylvania the way people live is a touristic objective in itself, so the role of the guide is very important. While you cycle in Romania our guides are here to make you connect with the local people and the spirit of the realm.

We love Transylvania, and we love showing it to you
Local Guides

Tour leader
Mihai started Transylvania Cycling on his own in 2015, with his old friends Radu and Adrian joining him one year later and so his soul project took the shape he imagined. Traditional agriculture and the restoration techniques of old houses, using natural and raw materials, are his great passions in which he invested a lot of time and effort in recent years.

Tour Planner Expert
You will immediately make friends with Radu with his easy-going and positive attitude. Besides cycling, mountain hiking, ski touring and snowboarding are his other favorite pastime activities. Whenever he gets the chance he takes off in the great outdoors pursuing his hobbies, be it winter or summer, and what he enjoys most after a long day's bike ride or hike is the comfort of his sleeping bag and tent. He is also very passionate about the history of Transylvania and its people.

Photographer & tour prep

From the mountain to the sea, from the idea to the final photo, I tell stories about the way how people interact with nature, push their limits, express their arts.

Lorand Peter
Partner guide - Mountain biking
Lorand spent most of his childhood years in the countryside of a small resort town, in the middle of Transilvania. His curiosity to discover the rich cultural diversity that Romania has to offer, his love for nature and adventure, has driven him to become a guide. Nowadays he spends most of his time living out of a backpack, using this great opportunity to tell his guests the story of this amazing region. His tours will take you off the beaten track, combining his two big passions: mountain biking and ski touring.

Graphic Designer
Irina is our team member responsible for the brand identity of Transylvania Cycling. Even if there are small chances to meet her during your tour with us, it's her work that first catches your eye, whether we are talking about business cards, flyers or our web-site.